2004 Year in Review

Things that shaped my year:

  1. The Birth of Leta
  2. Learning about and dealing with postpartum depression
  3. Nearly losing Heather
  4. Learning what really matters and it’s not salary or insurance
  5. Invoking the Family Leave Act to help Heather
  6. The Launch of 3hive
  7. Taking a Doctor-ordered trip to San Francisco
  8. Getting food poisoning for the first time ever
  9. Meeting the blogerati
  10. Buying a great camera (having a tool that helps you hone your skill is invaluable)
  11. Redesigning Dooce.com and diving very deep into Movable Type
  12. Working through deep-seated guilt about divorce
  13. Attempting to be more open, while still maintaining a sense of self

Happy New Year!! Here’s to 2005 being better than 2004.