Already Going For It

Obama promised he’d get busy and he has. Even if things like closing Guantanamo take time, he’s proven he’s committed to it.

Here are a few other ways President Obama is kicking ass:
Slate: A Presumption of Disclosure (via: Airbag)

NYTimes: Obama Reverses Rules on U.S. Abortion Aid

NY Times: On His First Full Day, Obama Tackles Sobering Challenges

I’m hopeful that the Obama Administration’s actions can make people like Limbaugh, Savage, Beck and Hannity more irrelevant than they already are. Not a single one of them has proposed reasonable solutions to our future.

Maybe I’m still remembering the rancor about Clinton in 1992-3. It was everywhere in Utah. This time feels different. I’m trying not to gloat around family members who did not vote for Obama. I don’t feel like I have to defend his election.

Yesterday he said:

Naturally, this scares some people who, even in the face of a clearly broken system, won’t let go of the fear of things like universal health care or spending more money on our own infrastructure (instead of Iraq’s).

There are all kind of criticisms for FDR and how handled or mishandled policy during the Great Depression. This article talks about ways we can move forward. Since the dialogue about the inauguration was extremely civil, I’m wondering how people are feeling about the coming stimulus package. Of note from the linked article:

“Perhaps most important, the New Deal brought Americans federal unemployment and old-age insurance, which not only rendered later downturns less severe but made Americans less dependent on the fickle largesse of their employers, if only ever so slightly. And here, too, the Obama administration might take one final historical lesson: Roosevelt’s advisers wanted to establish public health care as part of their program to protect Americans from ‘economic insecurity’ but left it out in anticipation of opposition. Let’s have hope this new New Deal can be bolder.”

Bolder. One can hope. I still can’t believe ailing companies aren’t screaming for health care help. If I were General Motors, that’s the first place I’d be asking for help from the government. But I’m not General Motors and General Motors is clearly not me.

Finally, from the Slate link above:

“It’s not a revolution—except that, after the last eight years, restoration is revolutionary.”

And it feels good.