Happy New Something


Back from the holiday familial timeshare.

Ready to take on the world. Ready to take 700 Sudafed tablets every four to six hours. Ready to sleep for 47 hours. Ready to sign the papers. Ready to really commit. Ready to give. Ready to live. Ready to make more money. Ready to buy a house. Ready to start the riot. Ready to make a difference in somebody’s life. Ready to rock. Ready to not see another movie with Josh Hartnett (nude or otherwise). Ready to redesign. Ready to work at an agency again. Ready to manage. Ready to make music. Ready to really enter the slightly circle jerkish world of blogs. Ready to not snowboard to save money (but then still plan a weekend anyway, because The Roommate says she’s ready). Ready to pay off the credit cards. Ready to be responsible and only drink four cocktails a night. Ready to dance. Ready to order stuff from TV. Ready to laugh.
