Link: Curbed on Chorus, or CMS nerd porn

Link: Curbed on Chorus, or CMS nerd porn

Sure the Chorus CMS is awesome. And that’s great. Really it is. And yay, faster loading, sexy Curbed!

One of my favorite emerging trends is that smart publishers are looking at the broader ecosystem for published content. For popular brands, whether huge household names or indie publishers, online content lives all over the place:

Our initial design comps looked at how the brand would live in places like Apple News, Snapchat Discover, Instagram/Twitter/Facebook, even on tote bags. It wasn’t until the end of the process that we applied the design direction to the Chorus framework. At that point, we were able to evaluate what was missing in the core platform’s design system, and prioritize which configuration variables to add.


Curbed brand boards, showing usage of brand on and off-site
Early design boards, showing all expressions of the brand off-platform.

Love this thinking. A lot. You can see more design thinking here. Good stuff.

I love that their sharing all of this is less an overt marketing exercise in how awesome Vox Media is and more about transparent sharing of process. Even you see it as marketing, it’s very well done and benefits the nerds who care. Brilliant content strategy.

Source: Curbed on Chorus, the start of a new era at Vox Media | Vox Product Blog

Hat tip: @gregorg