Before & After

Before & After

People ask me all the time if I edit my photos. This is a loaded question. Of course I edit them. It’s very rare that a photo just happens and everything is perfect. Sometimes everything is great, but the light is flat or the tone is wrong. Most of the edits I do involve color correction (or color interpretation) and sharpening. The images are resized for sharing on the web, and sharpening makes a big difference when you shrink an image.

On the day I took this photo

Centraal Station - Weathervane

the sky was flat and gray. There was a ton of construction and the best shot was at the tram stops. The problem with the tram stops is that they have tons of overhead wires that are a complete distraction from the subject. As an exercise, I decided to remove the wires and then color correct, sharpen and touch up the sky:

Centraal Station

I don’t always do such drastic work on an image, but it felt good to abuse the clone and healing tools.