Colin Powell’s Moderate Tone is Refreshing

I was gonna nap during the Sunday morning news junkie shows, but once I heard the tone of Colin Powell on Face the Nation, I perked right up. Powell was asked about his support of Barack Obama and if he regretted it. He also had some strong words for the fringes. I happen to think that in the U.S., we’re far more right-leaning fringe in terms of voice power; Fox News, expanded mainstream media coverage of right wing nutjobs v. left wing nutjobs and talk radio all spew nonsense every day. Not one whiff of common sense coming from conservatives and Powell calls them out on this, however gently:

The Price of Politics:

CBS News story here.

One thing Powell did not mention is that under Obama, we’ve captured far more Taliban than we did when Bush was in the White House.

I have to ask, why run for office, even as a minority party member of Congress, if you aren’t going to govern?