


This is where having a fast lens (1.4) made a HUGE difference. It was nearly dark when I shot this.



I think this is the entrance to Armstrong Park in New Orleans. If it isn't, I was clearly not hallucinating. It may have been a sign of some kind.

Elegant Downspout

Elegant Downspout

As I was shooting this, someone walked by and said, "Oh, that is nice." And as downspouts go, I concur.

The 511

The 511

A mega crop. Whenever people tell me I don't need a lot of megapixels I say phooey to them. Megapixels means having playing around room, particularly when it comes to a larger sensor. In my secret places, I dream of this camera. 37 megapixels on a 30x45mm sensor!...

Apartment 4

Apartment 4

Daddy needs to work on losing the camera shake.



With apologies to Marshall.

Very Wrought

Very Wrought

I really want to go back to New Orleans and take gigs of photos. The texture licks quick with its voodoo tongue and teases a person like me; camera in hand and not nearly enough time to take it all in.

Winter Wonderfarmland

Winter Wonderfarmland

I love flying over the frozen plains of the U.S. Seeing the patchwork of farmland and how it's used is crazy to consider at 35,000 feet. How do they get such perfect squares? GPS? Happy holidays and thanks for your support. I've had a great year!



New Orleans manhole. Sounds like a gay club.

A Lovely Afternoon in the Quarter

A Lovely Afternoon in the Quarter

I took a quick walk for brunch in the French Quarter and the weather was fantastic. It felt like a cross between the Haight, Memphis (but weirder) and in a strange way, Amsterdam. I definitely want to return and spend more time shooting photos. What a great city.

De-icing Begins

De-icing Begins

I was trying to do a deep focus on all three de-icing rigs and the one that would be working on our plane started moving and spraying right as I hit the shutter release. So much for planning ahead, composition and deep focus. In other news? Winter has arrived.